Use of computer in educational life

 Publish: 24 Feb 2022, 03:09 am   |   Education , Top & Best

Use of computer in educational life
Digital education is required from the beginning of education. Computers are a wonderful invention of modern science and technology. The field and the need for its application are growing at an incredible rate day by day. Modern civilization cannot be imagined without computers. Originally, the journey of modern computer technology started in the fifties, but now it has spread widely. Like almost every chapter of our lives, the free movement of computer in the field of national backbone education. It has a special contribution in various activities in all aspects of daily life. Computers are the unique vehicle of modern education system. In today's world it is almost impossible to complete the education system without the use of computer. There is no knowledge about the use of computer in modern education.
1. Teaching
Movies or movies based on a story are much more important than reading or listening to a story. With the help of computer, all these opportunities can be utilized for teaching or receiving. In primary education, if the caste identity, story, history etc. are presented through cartoons, Komalmati becomes very appealing to the students. Even in the case of secondary or higher education, subjects like science, geography, history etc. can be taught in colorful pictures. And the various practical functions of science, the work of various observations of the animal kingdom can be presented in the moving image on the computer. With just a click of a button, all the information like birth or death rate, name of capital or education rate etc. can be seen and heard. So it goes without saying that computer-assisted teaching is more effective than conventional teaching methods.
2. Data protection
Computers are a simple and important source of information. Any information on the computer can be easily stored securely. The security of any information stored confidentially in computer memory is fully guaranteed. Due to technological advancement, innovative ways of storing information in computer are being discovered day by day. As a result, its usefulness is gradually increasing.
3. Contact:
 With the help of computer, any student can easily communicate with any other teacher, student or any of the sophisticated libraries of the world. As a result, he is getting the expected information or news while sitting at home. Different important information and features displayed on different web sites can be easily used by a student for the benefit of computer.
4. Preparation and evaluation of test results
An important part of the current education system in the country is that the examination system is completely computer dependent. The computer has the sole responsibility of viewing the test book, preparing and publishing the results. In this case, the computer is fast and gives full assurance of accuracy. As a result, epoch-making revolutionary changes have taken place in the education system. The grading system for evaluating the results has been introduced in the country by relying on the working method of computer. And this complex task cannot be imagined without a computer.
5. In educational research:
Research is a prerequisite for progress in various fields like science, economy, politics, agriculture, medicine etc. Therefore, there are different research institutes in each country. But the problem is that the details of the subject are not always available in one place. Computers have come forward to solve this. The summary of each research publication, including the topic title, can be found on the computer in a couple of minutes.
Not just in education. Computers today are making unique contributions to many different areas of human life. As the development of knowledge and intellect is taking place due to its contribution, dynamism has come in the work flow of life. Computers are now a part of the daily routine of almost every educated person. has different types of computers. You can buy the computer of your choice.