|| Banner Ads

Promote ads for your brand or product Safely through aponhut.com's banner ads!

Aponhut.com has a large number of visitors every month - who do you want to reach, how to reach, how to get there in a short time and in a short time, all these questions can be answered in the details of our banner ads.

In addition to providing advertising, aponhut.com provides some additional benefits to reach your customers' promotions to new customers in a very easy and fast time. With our banner ad facility you can reach your target customers and promote effective advertising of your brand.

Supreme Ads

By strategically placing your mentioned ad above the mobile navigation bar and below the desktop navigation bar, virtually all site visitors will see the Supreme Ads. These supreme ads play an excellent role in enhancing brand identity for everyone or in a particular category.

Desktop size: 960 x 90 pixels (customizable)

Mobile size: 980 x 90 pixels (customizable)

Central Ads

Central Ads is one of the most effective placements published after a certain number of ads on each page of our ad. The position of this ad is an effective way to reach your desired special class of customers when they read your ad.

Desktop size: 720 x 90 pixels (customizable)

Mobile size: 300 x 300 pixels

Ground Ads

By strategically placing your mentioned ads under mobile and desktop, virtually all visitors to the site will see the ground ads. These ground ads play an excellent role in enhancing brand identity for all.

Desktop size: 960 x 90 pixels (customizable)

Mobile size: 980 x 90 pixels (customizable)

Right-Wings Ads

This is an affordable banner ads position located on the right side of our published advertising list and has the potential to attract more customers. This only applies to desktop users.

Desktop size: 300 x 300 pixels (customizable)

Left-Wings Ads

This is an affordable banner ads position located to the left of our published advertising list and has the potential to attract more customers. This only applies to desktop users.

Desktop size: 300 x 300 pixels (customizable)

Heading Ads

The advertisements published on our site are arranged in different categories wise. The ad banner that is displayed just above the entry of a buyer or seller in any one category is basically the heading ad. All visitors to our site will see the heading ads. These heading ads play an excellent role in increasing brand recognition for all.

Desktop size: 960 x 90 pixels (customizable)

Mobile size: 980 x 90 pixels (customizable)

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