|| Terms and condition

Terms and Conditions
AponHut.com is a Free Classifieds Marketplace in Bangladesh! Please be aware of the terms and conditions before using this website.
AponHut.com Advertisers and users will be responsible for complying with all AponHut.com restrictions when uploading product images, text, content, videos for you to advertise.
Advertisers and users agree that AponHut.com is subject to the terms of AponHut.com.
All Content (Content, Images, Software and any other Content or other Services) of AponHut.com is the property of AponHut.com. Copying, republishing, installing, transferring, storing or Cannot be exchanged.
As part of the membership package, Aponhut.com will create a shop on behalf of the user. Shop is a dedicated webpage on Aponhut.com, which maintains Aponhut.com through user-provided content. Aponhut.com reserves the right to remove any content added to the Shop by the User and if it violates these Terms and Conditions in any way, it has the right not to remove or disclose it.
AponHut.com reserves the right to change these Terms. This change may take effect after it is published on AponHut.com. You are responsible for reviewing such changes. AponHut.com will be deemed to have consented to the modified terms as a result of your continued access or use.
Refrain from using the images for any other purpose without the permission of the advertiser.
Users need to submit an active e-mail address to place an ad.
AponHut.com operates in accordance with the laws and regulations of Bangladesh.